Sunday, December 12, 2010

Introduction to Working Title

These intro things are always so gorram awkward.

Okay well, here's the thing. I'm working on a book right now, and I fully expect to be working on other books in the future, and between wanting feedback as I work (because instant gratification is a hallmark of the new millennium) and also wanting to sort of build a following that isn't, you know, family and friends, I've decided to start posting bits and pieces here.

It should go without saying, but in the post-Griggs world apparently it doesn't: Everything in this blog is mine. Posting here doesn't make it open source or free use. It's copyrighted, by me, James Callaghan. Some of the things I'll be posting were written as early as 1998, so the copyrighting applies backward and forward.

I will not be posting full stories, mainly because novels are long and would be a pain to read on a screen, but also because I want to make money off of this shit eventually; making the entire body of work available for free would sort of defeat that purpose.

Thank you for visiting, and for reading. I hope you enjoy the worlds I create and come to love them as I do. I welcome feedback in the comments or on such forums as you may have been directed from.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are developing a good cast of characters which could be worked into sequels, your prologue captures one's attention - as it should, and what you have posted gives one a brief look into what your book may evolve into. You have given enough of your story to peak my interest, pausing the television and all other chaos around me so I could focus and give due diligence. (And I rarely turn off the television, very minor case of tinnitus, so as you know silence is deafening.) Keep it up... I would like to be able to finish the story and at the rate you are writing, hopefully very soon. :D
